I just want to give a few things that boys or men don't have to worry about. The first is they don't have to worry about sex. Don't have to worry about sex cuz they don't have to worry about getting pregnant. They don't have to worry about being paid less than men don't have to worry about walking alone at night. When women have to walk alone at night we are scared to death. Cuz when you are a woman and you have to walk in some kind of darkness by yourself you have worries. When women have to walk in an alley by themselves we are worried that we could get raped we could get assaulted we could end up dead. Men never have to worry about these things. It is 2017 but women are still paid less than men for doing the same job. Men don't have to worry about what they wear. It seems like no matter where we go as women we are going to be judged by what we wear how we hold ourselves how we look basically. Women get judged harsher than men ever will. If a woman wears a certain outfit we will be kicked off a plane or a car or out of an arena. Men never get judged by what they wear ever. If a man dates or sleeps with a younger woman it's okay. When a woman dates or sleeps with a younger man then it becomes an issue. Women get called all kinds of names because we might be dating a younger man. Women get double standards all the time. Don't believe me ask any woman anything about the standards they feel are judged on that men are not. Men get paid more than women it has been like that as far as I can remember. Here it is 2017 and women are still paid less. I don't understand why this is still okay that women are working as hard or twice as hard as the men but still get paid less? If a man goes out in the dark by himself he is no reason why he would be scared of being assaulted, raped, or end up dead. Men don't have to worry about such things as woman because it doesn't happen as often as it happens to women. Women are more likely to end up with a guy who is going to control them. Men are not likely and it was somebody who is controlling and abusive to them.