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Why is it that when you work at a company for about 30 years plus and then they want to let you go like you're going to mean nothing to them. A family member of mine has been working at a grocery store for well over 30 years and we found out that unless she gets a position at a different store that she will be out of a job at the end of this month. You would think that a company would value an employee who has been loyal to the company for over 30 years but it does not look like it. This family member has been working at a grocery store for over 30 years and they are telling this person to either get a different position or find work elsewhere it's basically what they're saying. I have said this about SeaWorld but this saddens me to say this about this local grocery store. It seems to me that companies today only care about the bottom line they only care about the money they don't care about their employees they don't care about their customers I have found it quite hard to find a company who cares a lot about their employees and their customers like they say they do. Why would you do this to a loyal employee like I said this family member has been an employee of theirs for well over 30 years. So if this family member finds a job in a different grocery store they will be losing a lot of loyal customers this person was a very people person this person was very good about keeping great customer service. So if this person leaves their company there will be a lot of angry customers and there is no telling what these angry customers will do to the company. I have seen what people who are outraged can do and there is no telling what will happen if this person leaves the company. This saddens me to find out that this company who we have been loyal to for over 30 years is doing this to us so I hope your bottom line was worth it.

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