Don't let someone tell you no
In life there will be people who will doubt you or try to ruin your life don't let them like for me I have an ex who has threatened to try and get me kicked off YouTube if I don't do what he wants but what I know that he doesn't it's not that easy to do.
I have done nothing wrong he is just mad that I was talking to other guys while I was talking to him but wait listen him and I were never in a committed relationship I have never met him I have never been on a date with him.
For him to attack me and attack my channels is a big no no and YouTube won't kick me out because I have followed all their rules so if he does do something they won't kick me off and he would need proof of whatever he will accuse me of.
So if I can push through and not let other people try to push me down and quit what I love to do then so can you don't let other people say you can't do it try and see if you can and if they keep saying you can't do it then they don't need to be in your life